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Saturday, December 31, 2016

En Linkedin...

● Food Label Community [8.170 miembros] - “Food Labeling”: 

● Intellectual Property Rights for Geographical Indications: What is at stake in the TTIP? [93 miembros] - “Manufacturing Discontent: The Rise to Power of Anti-TTIP Groups”: 

● AIBADA, Asociación Iberoamericana para el Derecho Alimentario [1.277 miembros] - “LA MESA ARGENTINA EN LAS ÚLTIMAS DOS DÉCADAS”:

● China-European Union Food Law Working Party [729 miembros] - “RACHEL SHEN: China Health Foods: CFDA Grants Grace Period for Health Food Registration Renewal”: 

● Global Trade and Investment [693 miembros] - “Brexit and Trade: Between Facts and Irrelevance”: 

● Food Law Latest [2.783 miembros] - “USA - FDA Clarifies Applicability of Color Additive Regulations for Vegetable and Fruit Juice”: 

● Agronegocios & Alimentos [6.628 miembros] - “UNIÓN EUROPEA: Informe relativo a los alimentos e ingredientes alimentarios tratados con radiaciones ionizantes correspondientes al año 2015”: 

● Legislación alimentaria [783 miembros] - “Acuerdo por el que se otorga a la UE un estatuto particular en la Organización Internacional de la Viña y el Vino”: 

● Espacio GRC (Governance, Risk management & Compliance) [6.041 miembros] - “Coeliac Disease: Gluten Free Diet and… What Else?”: 

● Derecho del Consumo - España [638 miembros] - “Economía colaborativa: un nuevo mercado para la economía social”: 

● Food Label Community [8.170 miembros] - “The Dutch food industry has pledged to restrict the use of licensed cartoon characters from the packaging of unhealthy foods aimed at children”: 

● Brexit updates [1.330 miembros] - “Major food industry bodies have written to the UK government demanding priority for EU workers after Brexit, saying ‘unambiguous reassurance’ should be given for the right to remain”: 

● Comercio internacional agroalimentario [International Agri-Food Trade] [429 miembros] - “Brexit: EU negotiator says 'time's short' for reaching deal”:

● Seguridad e inocuidad alimentarias (AIBADA) [1.463 miembros] - “USA - FDA on Enforcement: Our Goal is To Help, Not Punish”:


- Martine Padille: An overview of legislation and trends in food labelling

- Chantal Julia et al.: Discriminating nutritional quality of foods using the 5-Color Nutrition Label in the French food market

- Lisa Jahns: Diet quality of items advertised in supermarket sales circulars compared to the diets of the US population, as assessed by the Healthy Eating Index-2010


Saturday, December 24, 2016


Cambios en el patrón de consumo de alimentos y nutrientes (1996 - 2013)

María Elisa Zapata, Alicia Rovirosa y Esteban Carmuega

Sunday, December 11, 2016

● Thomas J. Maronick, “Empirical Analysis of Consumers’ Understanding of ‘All Natural’ and Its Relationship to Genetically Modified Organisms [GMOs]”

International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 7 No. 6 (2016) 10-19.


Food labeled “natural” or “all natural” is estimated to be a $40 Billion industry and that “all natural” is the second most-used claim on new American food products. The problem is that neither the FDA nor the FTC has ever defined the word “natural,” preferring, at least from the FDA perspective, to give informal guidelines that a food product labeled “natural” should be one where nothing artificial or synthetic has been added or included that would not normally be in the food. Moreover, since the FDA has taken the position that genetically modified organism (GMOs) are “not substantially different from non-genetically modified foods,” food marketers are not required to label their products if they contain GMOs. To address the issue, the historical background of “natural” labeling at the FDA, the FTC, and state legislatures and actions being taken related to GMOs are examined and then the results of an on-line survey of 800 consumers who buy items labeled “all natural” is described. The on-line survey assesses consumers’ understanding of “all natural” and their perception of express and/or implied claims of “all natural” on a consumer product and their perceptions of GMOs. Policy implications that flow from these findings are also discussed.

Keywords: consumer behavior, surveys, GMOs, all natural, regulations, FDA, FTC



● Tanzina Azad y Shoeb Ahmed, “Common milk adulteration and their detection techniques”

International Journal of Food Contamination, Vol. 3 nº 22 (2016) DOI: 10.1186/s40550-016-0045-3

Publicado como avance 'online' el 5 de diciembre de 2016


Food adulteration is a global concern and developing countries are at higher risk associated with it due to lack of monitoring and policies. However, this is one of the most common phenomena that has been overlooked in many countries. Unfortunately, in contrast to common belief, milk adulterants can pose serious health hazards leading to fatal diseases. This paper presents a detailed review of common milk adulterants as well as different methods to detect the adulterants both qualitatively and quantitatively. This study is organized to be an 'adulterant based' study instead of 'techniques based' one, where qualitative detection for most of the common adulterants are enlisted and quantitative detection methods are limited to few major adulterants of milk. Apart from regular techniques, recent development in these detection techniques have also been reported. Nowadays milk is being adulterated in more sophisticated ways that demands for cutting edge research for the detection of the adulterants. This review intends to contribute towards the common knowledge base regarding possible milk adulterants and their detection techniques.

Keywords: milk processing, adulteration, product safety, dairy, ELISA


Saturday, December 10, 2016


Rosalía Alfonso Sánchez
Departamento de Derecho Mercantil
Universidad de Murcia

XVI Congreso de Investigadores en Economía Social y Cooperativa - Economía Social: crecimiento económico y bienestar


Monday, December 05, 2016

Artículos de revista



  2                           Alergias
  6                           Biotecnología
  7                           BREXIT
  8                           China
 10                          Comportamiento y percepción del consumidor
 18                          Envases y embalajes
 19                          Etiquetado e información del consumidor
 21                          Fraudes
 22                          Irradiación
 23                          Leche y productos lácteos
 24                          Medicamentos veterinarios
 24                          Nanotecnología
 25                          Publicidad
 25                          Responsabilidad penal
 26                          Salud y bienestar animal
 28                          Trazabilidad
 29                          TTIP (Asociación Transatlántica para el Comercio y la Inversión)
 30                          Vino      
 31                          Blogs y redes sociales

 34                          Libros y otros documentos

Blog Archive