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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Boletín de bibliografía "SOCDERCON" nº 36/2013

Boletín de bibliografía "SOCDERCON" nº 36/2013
- Versión resumida -

Alimentos destinados a una alimentación especial
Eulogio Martínez Porrera, "De la Directiva 77/94/CEE al Reglamento nº 609/2013: un largo camino de dudas, dilaciones e incertidumbres". Boletín Digital Alimentación-Consumo, n° 2 (2013) 3-12.
Alimentos ecológicos 

● Kate Cairns y otros, “Feeding the organic child: Mothering through ethical consumption”. Journal of Consumer Culture, Vol. 13 nº 2 (2013) 97-118.
In this article, we examine the gendering of ethical food discourse by focusing on the ideal of the ‘organic child’. Drawing from qualitative focus groups and interviews with Canadian mothers of various class backgrounds, we find that the organic child reflects the intersecting ideals of motherhood and ethical food discourse, whereby ‘good’ mothers are those who preserve their children’s purity and protect the environment through conscientious food purchases. Women in our study express the desire to nurture the organic child, and feel responsible for protecting their children’s purity. At the same time the organic child represents a gendered burden for women, our participants negotiate the ideal in complex ways that involve managing emotions and balancing the normative expectations of motherhood with pragmatic demands. The idealized figure of the organic child not only works ideologically to reinforce gendered notions of care-work, but also works to set a classed standard for good mothering that demands significant investments of economic and cultural capital. We argue that the organic child ideal reflects neoliberal expectations about childhood and maternal social and environmental responsibility by emphasizing mothers’ individual responsibility for securing children’s futures.

Keywords: childhood, consumption, care-work, motherhood, ethical food discourse, neoliberalism 

Alimentos funcionales, nutraceuticals y probióticos
● Benoit Foligné, Catherine Daniel y Bruno Pot, “Probiotics from research to market: the possibilities, risks and challenges”. Current Opinion in Microbiology (2013)
Publicado como avance on line el 15 de julio de 2013

Probiotic foods can affect large parts of the population, while therapeutic applications have a less wide scope. While commercialization routes and regulatory requirements differ for both applications, both will need good scientific support. Today, probiotics are mainly used for gastrointestinal applications, their use can easily be extended to skin, oral and vaginal health. While most probiotics currently belong to food-grade species, the future may offer new functional microorganisms in food and pharma. This review discusses the crosstalk between probiotic producers, regulatory people, medical care and healthcare workers, and the scientific community.


• We review the recent developments of probiotics from an industrial perspective.
• Strain-specificity and production processes are essential for probiotic functionality.
• Applications suffer from variable degrees of scientific substantiation.
• Innovative approaches provide new directions for an emerging market.
• Many factors are critical to elicit credibility for probiotic products.


Bebidas (agua. etc.)

● Lluis Serra-Majem y otros, “Beverage and water intake of healthy adults in some European countries”. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition (2013) doi:10.3109/09637486.2013.801406.

Publicado como avance on line el 3 de junio de 20133

Introduction: Nutritional surveys frequently collect some data of consumption of beverages; however, information from different sources and different methodologies raises issues of comparability. The main objective of this review was to examine the available techniques used for assessing beverage intake in European epidemiological studies and to describe the most frequent method applied to assess it. Materials and methods: Information of beverage intake available from European surveys and nutritional epidemiological investigations was obtained from gray literature. Results: Twelve articles were included and relevant data were extracted. The studies were carried out on healthy adults by different types of assessments. The most frequent tool used was a 7-d dietary record. Only Germany used a specific beverage assessment tool (Beverage Dietary History). Conclusion: From the limited data available and the diversity of the methodology used, the results show that consumption of beverages is different between countries. Current epidemiological studies in Europe focusing on beverage intake are scarce. Further research is needed to clarify the amount of beverage intake in European population.


Keywords: beverages, epidemiological European studies, wáter




Harry de Gorter, Charles H. Dyson y Dusan Drabik, “The Perverse Effects of Biofuel Public-Sector Policies”. Annual Review of Resource Economics (2013) DOI: 10.1146/annurev-resource-091912-151933.



Publicado como avance on line el 31 de mayo de 20133



Biofuel policies are a subset of policies designed to achieve energy security, an improved environment, enhanced agricultural incomes, technological change, and overall economic benefits, with increased domestic energy production creating green jobs and foreign exchange savings. In assessing this broad spectrum of proclaimed policy goals with the outcome of biofuel mandates, subsidies, import barriers, binary sustainability standards, and indirect land use measures, we identify many perverse and contradictory effects. Most importantly, we show how biofuel policies established the crop-energy price link and hence the food-fuel trade-off, the contradictory effects of combining mandates with different subsidies, the various surprising welfare economic effects, and the various inconsistencies associated with binary sustainability standards and carbon leakages. We conclude with examples of how biofuel policies have generated paradoxical effects in many other different dimensions.

● “Los avances en biotecnología agroalimentaria buscan la obtención de alimentos más saludables y sostenibles”. Alimentaria, nº 445 (2013) 22-33.

● Philipp Aerni, “Resistance to agricultural biotechnology: The importance of distinguishing between weak and strong public attitudes”. Biotechnology Journal (2013) DOI: 10.1002/biot.201300188.
Publicado como avance on line el 15 de julio de 2013

Empirical research shows that European governments and retailers are unlikely to be directly punished by taxpayers and consumers if they move away from their anti-GMO positions and policies. However, it is ultimately not the weak attitudes of taxpayers and consumers that matter to governments and retailers but the strong attitudes of the noisy anti-biotech movement-

Comportamiento y percepción del consumidor
Simon Bleich y Roland Herrmann, “Price versus Non-price Incentives for Participation in Quality Labeling: The Case of the German Fruit Juice Industry”. International Journal on Food System Dynamics, Vol. 4 nº 1 (2013) 51-63.
Quality assurance and labeling play an important and increasing role in firms’ marketing strategies. In almost all cases, a price incentive has been stressed as the major incentive for firms to participate in such schemes. We argue here that important non-price incentives for participation in quality labeling may exist, too. In German retailing, it can be observed that discount retailers are listing more and more foods with quality labels. Processors may then participate in voluntary quality labeling in order to enter the large and growing market of discount retailers. The price-premium versus the market-entry hypothesis are analyzed theo-retically. We investigate then in an empirical hedonic pricing model for the German fruit juice market and for participation in the quality label of the Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG) which of the two hypotheses is consistent with the data. There is strong support for the market-entry hypothesis
Keywords: labeling, price premium, market entry, fruit juice market, DLG award 

Janaína Calu Costa y otros, “Food purchasing sites. Repercussions for healthy eating”. Appetite (2013)
Publicado como avance on line el 5 de julio de 20133
Changes in the food system are associated with the increase in consumption of foods with low nutritional value in recent decades. All the 241 distinct food purchasing sites (FPS) were grouped into ten categories, according to the nature of the products available. Food acquisitions were organized into seven groups. Supermarkets and hypermarkets accounted for 49% of the acquisitions and were the main source of six out of the seven food groups. Street markets and greengroceries stood out in the acquisitions of fruits and vegetables, accounting for 39% of this market. The large contribution of supermarkets and hypermarkets to the diet shows the need for healthy eating promotion policies aiming at these locations. Street markets and greengroceries represent important allies for healthy eating.
• We estimated the food purchase sites contribution to the diet in Brazil.
• Half of the calories consumed in Brazilian households are from super/hypermarkets.
• Street markets and greengroceries stood out in the fruits and vegetables purchase.
• Market concentration can increase the ultra-processed foods and drinks consumption.
• Healthy eating promotion policies aiming super/hypermarkets are essential.
Keywords: food purchase, food supply, retail, supermarket, grocery shopping, food storage
Miguel I. Gomez, Timothy J. Richards y Jun Lee, “Trade Promotions and Consumer Search in Supermarket Retailing”. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2013) doi: 10.1093/ajae/aat044.
Publicado como avance on line el 12 de julio de 20133
Para más información, consultar:

Kerstin Gidlöf y otros, “Material Distortion of Economic Behaviour and Everyday Decision Quality”. Journal of Consumer Policy (2013) DOI10.1007/s10603-013-9228-y
Publicado como avance on line el 11 de julio de 20133
Misleading information and unfair commercial practices have to be viewed against the background of what consumers otherwise do, i.e., what their purchase decisions look like when no misleading information or no unfair commercial practices are in place. This article provides some of this background by studying how consumers sample information when making an in-store purchase decision. This was done by an eye-tracking study which reveals to what extent consumers succeed in purchasing the products that best meet their purchase intentions when only a representative amount of misleading information is present. The study shows that decisions were suboptimal in relation to what the consumers claimed they wanted to purchase. Only in one product category did consumers in this study actually look at products that were slightly better than average, and as a result, they mainly selected products that were just as often poor as good. If the proportion of bad purchase decisions based on misleading information is small enough, perhaps it might be better to direct the authors’ attention to other ways of improving the decision environments that consumers encounter. In addition, the eye-tracking study provides some insight into how consumers sample information when making an in-store purchase decision. The present data show that consumers invested on average of less than 1 s to look at products.
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Denominaciones de origen y otras indicaciones geográficas, marcas de calidad, etc.
Caroline Le Goffic, “Prior tempore, potior jure? Difficiles relations entre indications géographiques et marques”. Revue du marché commun et de l'Union Européenne, nº 570 (2013) 425-434.
Paolo Viviani, “Grande truffa di vino italiano di bassa qualità esportato come Dop e Igp nel mercato britannico”. L' Enologo, nº 6 (2013) 50-53-
Leigh Smith, “Greek yoghurt gains protection”. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (2013) doi: 10.1093/jiplp/jpt123.
Publicado como avance on line el 17 de julio de 20133
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Etiquetado e información del consumidor 
Luis González Vaqué, “Le nouveau règlement sur l'étiquetage des aliments au sein de l'UE”. Revue du droit de l'Union Européenne, nº 2 (2013) 267-284.

Fiona Lalor y Patrick G. Wall, “Making and justifying health claims”. International Journal of Dairy Technology, Vol. 66 nº 3 (2013) 321–324. 
The regulatory hurdles that exist to bring a functional food to market often prove the greatest challenge for the food industry. Different regulatory approaches exist worldwide, with the European Union having one of the tightest regimes of all. EU Regulation 1924/2006 sets out the framework for nutrition and health claims, and the system has been slow at approving claims. In recent years, the European Food Safety Authority has published Guidance Notes to aid industry with the application process. However, among other things, the fact that not one probiotic has received approval has left the food industry critical of the system. It is likely that an approval pattern will emerge in the future, and once the pathway to approval identified, the industry will emerge stronger and with more integrity than before.
Keywords: EFSA, health claims, nutrition claims, functional foods
Lillian Sonnenberg y otros, “A traffic light food labeling intervention increases consumer awareness of health and healthy choices at the point-of-purchase”. Preventive Medicine (2013)
Publicado como avance on line el 13 de julio de 20133
Objective - We surveyed customers in a hospital cafeteria in Boston, Massachusetts before and after implementation of traffic light food labeling to determine the effect of labels on customers’ awareness and purchase of healthy foods.
Methods - Cafeteria items were identified as red (unhealthy), yellow (less healthy), or green (healthy). Customers were interviewed before (N = 166) and after (N = 223) labeling was implemented. Each respondent was linked to cash register data to determine the proportion of red, yellow, and green items purchased. Data were collected from February-April 2010. We compared responses to survey questions and mean proportion of red, yellow, and green items per transaction between customers interviewed during baseline and customers interviewed during the intervention. Survey response rate was 60%.
Results - Comparing responses during labeling intervention to baseline, more respondents identified health/nutrition as an important factor in their purchase (61% vs. 46%, p = 0.004) and reported looking at nutrition information (33% vs. 15%, p < 0.001). Respondents who noticed labels during the intervention and reported that labels influenced their purchases were more likely to purchase healthier items than respondents who did not notice labels (p < 0.001 for both).
Conclusion - Traffic light food labels prompted individuals to consider their health and to make healthier choices at point-of-purchase.
• Traffic light food labels prompt people to consider their health at point-of-purchase
• Traffic light food labels help individuals to make healthier food choices
• People who notice labels purchase healthier foods
Keywords: nutrition labelling, obesity, food labeling
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 Nutrición y lucha contra la obesidad
Rachel E. Antoniolli, Louise F. Atkinson y Michelle A. Palmer, “Total lunchtime fast food purchases were lower in sodium and saturated fat when nutritionally promoted fast foods were ordered instead of traditional fast foods: A pilot study”. Nutrition & Dietetics (2013) DOI: 10.1111/1747-0080.12044.
Publicado como avance on line el 3 de junio de 2013.
Aim - The aim of the study was to compare sodium and saturated fat contents of lunchtime fast food orders containing regular items with those containing items promoted for nutritional attributes (e.g. Subway sandwiches containing 6 g fat or less, McDonald's Heart Foundation Tick approved range).
Methods - In March–April 2010, 907 McDonald's and Subway lunchtime customers (aged 25(16–84) years, 59% M, 73% response rate) in Queensland, Australia were surveyed. Sodium and saturated fat contents of orders were calculated using information from company websites. Independent samples t- and chi-squared tests were used to assess whether orders including nutritionally promoted fast foods contained less sodium and saturated fat, and a chi-squared test to compare the proportion of customers at each store whose orders exceeded the daily sodium upper limit (2300 mg).
Results - Proportionately more customers ordering nutritionally promoted fast foods (n = 24) ordered meals containing ≤1300 mg sodium and ≤6 g saturated fat (83% and 92%, respectively) than those ordering regular fast foods (n = 883, 33% and 24%, respectively, P < 0.02). One-quarter (24%) of orders—all selected from the regular menu—exceeded the daily sodium upper limit. Proportionately more orders from Subway (40%) exceeded the daily sodium upper limit than from McDonald's (5%, P < 0.001).
Conclusions - Lunchtime fast food orders may contain less sodium and saturated fat when nutritionally promoted foods are selected. Reformulating all fast foods may be warranted given that fast foods contain high levels of sodium and saturated fat, and nutritionally promoted fast foods may represent only a small proportion of lunchtime choices.
Keywords: fast foods, McDonald's, saturated fat, sodium, Subway, takeaway
Boris Rigod, “The purpose of the WTO agreement on the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS)”. European Journal of International Law, Vol. 24 nº 2 (2013) 503-532.
Among the WTO Agreements, the SPS Agreement provides for the strictest rules on domestic regulatory measures. Governments adopting measures to protect human, animal, and plant life and health have to comply with a plethora of obligations, exceeding the disciplines contained in the GATT and the TBT. Except for cases where scientific evidence is not available, they have to base regulatory measures on a scientific risk assessment, be it their own or one conducted by a third party. Given, on the one hand, the sensitivity of health and environmental concerns and, on the other, the constraints the treaty imposes on governments' ability to address them, the SPS Agreement has been widely criticized for undermining democratic self-government and also for introducing elements of "post-discrimination" into the world trade order. This article delves into the question whether the criticism is justified. To that end, it examines the purpose of the SPS Agreement on the basis of economic theory and the negotiating history. It shows that much of the criticism is exaggerated and that the SPS Agreement serves, as does every other WTO Agreement (except for the TRIPs), a single purpose: the preservation of market access commitments. This insight has wider implications, as it suggests that the "correct" application of the SPS should in fact lead neither to an (improper) impediment to democracy nor to a "post‑discriminatory" trade regime.
Pesca y productos de la pesca
Doris Rittenschober, Verena Nowak y U. Ruth Charrondière, “Review of availability of food composition data for fish and shellfish”. Food Chemistry (2013)
Publicado como avance on line el 10 de julio de 2013.
The FAO/INFOODS database on fish and shellfish (aFiSh) is a collection of analytical data from primary sources and holds values for 2,277 entries on raw and processed food with sufficient quality. Most data were entered on fatty acids (60%), followed by macronutrients and their fractions (16%), minerals (10%), amino acids (7%), (pro)vitamins (2%), heavy metals (2%) and other components (3%). Information on several factors that contribute to the variation of compositional data (e.g. biodiversity, catch season, habitat, size and part of fish/shellfish analyzed) as well as the bibliographic references are presented alongside with each food entry. The data were published in the FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Database for Biodiversity (BioFoodComp2.0) and in the FAO/INFOODS Analytical Food Composition Database (AnFooD1.0), freely available at the INFOODS webpage . The provision of easy accessible, analytical compositional data should be seen as stimulation for researchers and compilers to incorporate more analytical and detailed data of fish and shellfish into future food composition tables and databases and to improve dietary assessment tools.
• FAO/INFOODS food composition database for fish and shellfish.
• Contains solely analytical data for 2277 entries on raw and processed foods.
• Identification of factors resulting in the variation of compositional data.
• Aims to improve quality and coverage of national composition databases.
Keywords: food composition, FAO, INFOODS, Nutrient database, fish, shellfish, Trachurus trachurus, variability, fatty acids, biodiversity

Salud y bienestar de los animales.
Bettina Bock y Henry Buller, “Healthy, Happy and Humane: Evidence in Farm Animal Welfare Policy”. Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 53 nº 3 (2013) 390–411.
There has been a dramatic expansion and diversification of knowledge, expertise and expectation associated with farm animal welfare and we witness its increasing adoption within legislative and policy strategies. This article examines how the understanding of what constitutes farm animal welfare and how it should be enhanced, has shifted since it first entered the modern political arena in the sixties. It explores farm animal welfare as a critical and shifting area of imbrication of ‘science’ and ‘society’ and charts this process in particularly the UK and The Netherlands. We demonstrate how public and scientific debates about what constitutes animal welfare, what counts as evidence of animal suffering and how welfare enhancement should be encouraged, has unveiled the tensions underlying its construction as a policy problem between social and animal science, productivity and integrity, as well as production and consumption and has turned animal welfare into a matter of societal choice. The article unravels the social construction of animal welfare science and reveals its limited capability of delivering ‘facts’ or ‘evidence’ in any truly objective manner.
Seguridad alimentaria (food safety) 
Piermario Mattera, “Sécurité alimentaire (le paquet législatif en matière de santé animale et végétale)”. Revue du droit de l'Union Européenne, nº 2 (2013) 325-333.
Corrado Costa y otros, “A Review on Agri-food Supply Chain Traceability by Means of RFID Technology”. Food and Bioprocess Technology, Vol. 6 nº 2 (2013) 353-366.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology which provides appealing opportunities to improve the management of information flow within the supply chain and security in the agri-food sector. Nowadays, food safety is considered a major requirement in several countries, in particular, the traceability of food products which is mandatory by law. Thus, technological implementation leading to traceability strengthening in the agri-food sector is crucial. The first aim of this review is to analyze the current developments in RFID technology in the agri-food sector, through an operative framework which organizes the literature and facilitate a quick content analysis identifying future research direction. RFID technology seems to be able to bring great opportunities to this sector; nevertheless, several constraints are slowing its adoption. This survey may provide readers with an exhaustive overview of opportunities and constraints for the wide adoption of RFID. The second aim of this review is to provide an updated analysis on the current developments of RFID technology for different product typologies within the agri-food industry, discussing at the same time its potential in technological and logistical development regarding different sectors of the production/distribution chain. As referenced here, RFID implementations in the agri-food sector are increasing at a fast rate, and technological advancement follows the applicability opportunities. However, real applications of RFID technologies are still limited because of various technical and economical obstacles which are also discussed.
Keywords: Radio Frequency, infotracking, supply chain, food control, logistic, wireless sensing
Aihwa Chang, Chunghui Tseng y Minyeh Chu, "Value Creation from a Food Traceability System Based on a Hierarchical Model of Consumer Personality Traits". British Food Journal, Vol. 115 nº 9 (2013) articleid=17092870.
Publicado como avance on line el 15 de junio de 2013
Purpose - A food traceability system that provides detailed information on food production, processing, transfer, and distribution can create value in food exchange. This study investigates which type of consumer personality places greater value on the food traceability label.
Design/methodology/approach - According to the meta-theoretic model of motivation and personality (3M), this study develops a framework that links personality traits with food safety issues. Data are collected from a survey of consumers in shopping malls. The research hypotheses are tested using structural equation modeling.
Findings - Based on the 3M hierarchical model, consumers who have open, conscientious, and extroverted personalities, and material and body needs tend to have higher needs for learning and health consciousness. They care more for food value and have positive perception of food traceability labels. This results in intentions to purchase products with a food traceability label.
Practical implications - Using our conclusions on the relationship of personality traits with a food traceability system, we provide suggestions for businesses planning marketing strategies to gain competitive advantages. For consumers, a food traceability system creates value in food exchange. Regarding policy concerns, the government should regulate the implementation of a food traceability label to disclose comprehensive information regarding food safety.
Originality/value - Although various constructs are linked to food traceability, few studies have focused on the value of food exchange. Consumers with specific personality characteristics have different perceptions and reactions to a food traceability system. This study can fill the knowledge gap regarding the relationship between the value of food exchange and consumer personality traits.

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